When you get a call barely a week before Christmas about executing an ambitious Super Bowl spot, you know it’s going to be one busy holiday season.
“So God Made A Farmer” is an iconic Paul Harvey speech, given in 1978 at a Future Farmers of America convention. It is this speech which forms the backbone of the photographic poem that guides viewers through this surprisingly understated Super Bowl spot. Andy Anderson, one of the photographers who worked on this project writes, “…RAM, you are BRAVE. You made moving past the default of glitzy commercials…. BOLD. You made a stand and sent a message that was long overdue.”
This commercial has the satisfying sense of completeness normally present in spots that take much longer to craft. In this case, ten teams of photographers were dispatched on short notice across the country, to capture the spirit and authenticity that would make this spot a resounding success. Ten photographers, with ten very different photographic styles, each lent their considerable skills to a project that exceeded everyone’s expectations regarding its impact.
The series of images continues to have “legs”, and has spawned a National Geographic book that will be widely available in bookstores in late spring. There is even discussion of a possible gallery show. Deb Grisham, who was the Art Producer on the project says, “My biggest take way from all of this is the fact that this spot continues to resonate with people, to evoke such deep emotions each and every time (people) talk about it, even one year later. The speech and the 35 still images captivated audiences … millions were exposed to a gallery showing of amazing artwork and millions memories were shared through the conversations these images inspired.”
Kudos to The Richards Group for having the audacity to think outside the box, and in the end provide their client with work whose grasp exceeds it’s original reach, and in the end, satisfies the soul.
Full credits listed below.
All images are the exclusive copyright of each photographer.
Video: Recently released extended version of RAM Trucks Commercial.
Image: Matthew Turley. Title: Beating the Sun to the Punch.
Photographers' names and sites:
Additional Credits:
Client: RAM
Agency: The Richards Group
Stan Richards - Principal
Jimmy Bonner – Brand Creative / Art Director
Rob Baker – Brand Creative / Writer
Deb Grisham – Sr. Art Producer
Paul Nelson – Broadcast Producer